Friday, January 15, 2010


I do not know if I should write it or not, but I cannot stop myself from writing it. A very raw n ruthless fact of our life is that we fall in love. Love, to me is a pain which we invite to trouble ourselves with. Our mind unlike storing our percentage in examinations does not have a register to store when and why the invitation to love was sent.  
A perilous fact of falling in love is that we do not even know the consequences of our relationship. Love for me is always true because feelings can be false but not emotions.
As we know there is some gain in pain and the pain of love is not an exception, you will experience some happy moments and then in the very next moment realize that you are in a complete state of penury. It feels as if somebody has taken your heart out of the body and trying to rub it on rough walls with your hands and leg tied to a firm pole. You can shout your heart out but sound does not travel in vacuum.
Love will make you struggle but not successful. Successful are those person who find their love in their own mind and lucky are those whom are found by their love.
Love has created another foolish self within me. Now I do not watch cricket matches but I worry for good times to last long. My foolish mind does not want to learn the basic fact that those good times in love are ephemeral.
I turn numb, try to shift my thoughts to some other idiotic incidents but every time I do that and try to close my eyes, I find that innocent face looking towards me and telling through her eyes that her love is not ersatz.
I try harder to close my eyes but only to find myself wiping small droplets of water from the corner of my eyes.


  1. The good times in love may be ephemeral, but love is not. Love lasts even after you are dead. And, the bad times in love teach you much better about the kind of a person you are than the good times. So face them hard !! Keep writing. It helps lighten one's heart - a personal experience of mine!

  2. just speech less........
    really touching
